martes, 10 de julio de 2018

BLOG 5: Your reflections on the demonstrations at FACSO

Hello, today i will talk about feminist sit-in!
My reflection on the demonstrations in FACSO, is separated between the personal reflections and the group reflections of the students.

It was a feminist sit-in, which caused a social change and a vision about women, women as students, professionals, workers and as persons.

This feminist sit-in helped to value the achievements and rights of women who were invisible, because only men were valued. In addition, this is the social change that takes place, it is not a society or an education related to patriarchy, it is changed to equality and non-sexist education.

Personally, the feminist sit-in on a closeness with my colleagues and with the women of the faculty, that without being friends, we had a common thought and a fight for equality.

Although in this feminist sit-in, I did not participate directly by going on to marches or sleeping in the faculty, but I arrived a few days at the faculty and I felt the support and the desire that everyone had to achieve it. Also a demand was written

A woman in society must have confidence and courage, not only because she is a woman, but because she is a person, just like men, she strives and struggles to be a professional and live her life.


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