martes, 14 de agosto de 2018

BLOG 10: English Language Challenges

Hello my dear friends!

Today I will talk about my experience writing blogs every week, every Tuesday of this semester in English class!  Also today is the last blog I write in this semester in English.
Before studying at the university, I did not practice, write or read in English, I just liked to listen to or sing songs in English! I think it's difficult and complicated. In English classes is where I practice and learn this language better.

I do not have friends abroad, but I do have friends who can speak, write and read fluently and perfectly. I would like to one day be able to know and master the language of English, as my friend does! Because I would like to travel abroad, but English is essential and my goal is to learn it.

In English class, I wrote weekly, but being honest, I bored a lot the activity of writing blogs on the computer and commenting. I did comment on the blogs of my colleagues, but I did not like it!

In order to improve it, is more important and learn English conversing , to have more security and trust. Also a suggestion for the English course, I would like you to do a type of exam "taking out each class papers with themes", because in each class by practicing speaking with new words and being a good method to learn in a fun and creative.

Finally, English is very important, to travel abroad and meet new people.
I hope you like it! bye my friends.

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

BLOG 9: Changes to my study program

Hello my friends!
Today I will talk about the changes that I would like to apply in the career.
I study the preschool education career, I am in the second year and during this time the subjects if I like, some are related to children and family, others are theory, investigation, children's development and practice.

But what I need to change is to add more subjects with a direct relationship with the children.Some topics such as: health - creativity – communication- mobility. Because they would help in the practice of the race, how to communicate with the children and the family, how to move in the kindergarten and what movements are appropriate for the development of the children, health and creativity, to make learning experiences that are not risky and also contribute to art and new knowledge.

I would also like to change, add subjects from the different careers of the faculty, know the cultures, communicate with the people, investigate the reality of the families and have a greater knowledge. also add electives of faculty, it would be a new and good experience, that there are subjects with different careers.

With regard to teachers, I would like a greater capacity of them, so classes can be organized for the entire career.

Finally the subject of the scholarships, which are more accessible and are assigned to those who really need it! I like that they not only give scholarships to pay for the race, but also photocopy and lunch scholarships that are very helpful.


BLOG 8: A subject you have enjoyed a lot this semester!

Hello my friends!
I will talk about to my favorite subject this semester in the University...
I study the preeschool education and my favorite subject this semester is the "Pedagogical Knowledge of Psychomotricity", because It is interesting to understand the development of another person, and also to children it is very important to know the right positions for their development.
I think that a free development for a child it is very important, because it does not affect the natural process and also autonomy is strengthened and the confidence to move.

There is theory and practice in the classes of this subject, because we have a better knowledge. The main topics of the subject are psychomotricity, affectivity, timely stimulation and development of the children. All these topics are united to know how to act and interact with children, it is special with children from 0 to 3 years old or with children in the first cycle.

In the future, when I job as an educator in a kindergarten, this subject will be of great help, because not only do you take care of the children, but you also have to educate them and this knowledge must be appropriate to encourage their movements and they will develop and grow with good psychomotor skills. 
As mentioned before,  in the classes of this subject is the opportune stimulation, which is according to the child and not an early stimulation that advances the movements

Thank you very much for reading my blogs and I hope you like it.
Good bye my friends!