martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017


Hello, my friend.
I am writing to tell you, my favourite piece of technology.

One of my favourite devices is the cell phone, because it helps me to find out what my friends are up to on Facebook and whatsapp,also because I listen to music.

I got it when i was in the school, 3 years old, on day for my birthday! my mother gave it to me, that´s why, i take big care of my cell phone.

My life without my cell phone would be very boring, because i use it everyday my cell phone and I think I’ve been using it on  a daily basis for quite a few years.
I really love my cell phone, i really can't live without my cell phone!!

Bye, beautiful people, see you!!

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017


Hello my name is Moira Sandoval,
In this day i walk the biggest decisions i mike in my live....

As a child i wanted to work in a hospital, because i liked the take care of the health of people.
My family, specifically my mother wanted me to study to nursing, but i changed opinion. My choice was the career of the pree school education, because it also take care to people, but specifically children.

My experience at University until now is excellent, my teachers and classmates they are good people and i love my career.  I would liket to have a job where i can relate to children and in a kindergartens or in a school i can do that. 

Bye see you people!.