lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018

Using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial.


The use of cell phones in the classroom can be beneficial, since it is a contribution to the search for information, which transforms the cell phone into a new teaching-learning method.

Using the cell phone properly and moderately is a contribution to learning in classes, because it is another method of searching and find for information, which allows to enrich the knowledge of both the student and the teacher with new bibliographies, authors or theories, with respect to the subject treated.

Another benefit of using the cell phone in the classroom is the speed with which it searches and finds the desired information, for this reason they may prefer the cell phone before going to look for information in library books.

Besides, the use of cell phone in the classroom, it's a method of adapting to society, but including it to studies and not only as a social media addiction; for this reason the cell phone should not be banned, but considered as a benefit.

In conclusion, the cell phone is a beneficial method for learning in a classroom..................

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018


How important is education in the nation?

Education allows the growth of the nation, so it is very important that it is present in society, through people, because, each person helps to shape society in different aspects, because of this, education is divided into formal, non-formal and informal, which allows strengthening the growth of society.

The different types of education contribute and enrich the society in diverse contexts, such as cultural, moral, academic, among others; For example: Formal education, which is the academic aspect, helps society with training professionals and having a certification of their studies; the second non-formal education, which is the cultural aspect, brings to society the diverse cultures and the way of life of them, finally non-formal education,which is the personal aspect, involves the person and contributes to society with the ethical and moral. For these reasons, these types of education allow for growth in society, since they strengthen it in different areas and complement each other.


lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

Line Graph: "money spent on book".

In the following text, a graphic line that shows "the money spent on the book" in different countries of the world will be clearly described, four is specific, such as:

The first country is Germany, which from 1995 to 1999 achieved a dramatic increase in book spending, with 90 million dollars, then it has a slight decline and again increases gradually in 2005 with a higher monetary expenditure .

Secondly, the country is France, which between 1995 and 1999 its monetary expenditure remained stable, although in 2001 it slightly increased its expenses, but again it remained stable and, finally, the monetary expenditure on books increased slightly in 2005 with 80 million dollars

Also, the third country corresponds to Italy, whose expenditure fluctuates, since it begins with a slight growth in the year 1997, but then decreases again in the year 1999 and this situation remains constant in time until the year 2005, which gradually reached a monetary increase for the purchases of books.

Finally, there is the country of Australia, which from 1995 to 1999 increased slightly the book expenses, but then remained stable, although in the year 2001 to 2005 it increased dramatically its expenses, surpassing the 70 million dollars of expenses for the purchase of the books.

In conclusion, this linear chart highlights the expenditures that each country made to buy books over time, from 1995 to 2005 and shows that Germany is the largest country in expenses and the most stable country in expenses is Italy.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018


Possible problems in education…

In the following text, a problem of education will be written, whose common objective is the "respect", which according to the RAE is synonymous with "veneration", that is, the consideration and special appreciation of someone or something.  In Chile, in the context of society and the community, respect must be the most important thing to live in harmony, however, there is a certain type of harassment called bullying.

Bullying it is a type of physical or psychological harassment that is repeatedly produced to a specific person. According to studies, the results of bullying are more frequent within schools and between their same age range. It is worrying because children are in full development and this produces problems that affect their social and emotional well as problems in their social and physical development in the future.

For this reason, it is important to be guided by specialists in the topic, such as psychologists or doctors, to guide and support children, so that they understand what is happening and not cause sequels, both in the present and in the future. besides, it is necessary to help both the child and "victim", as well as children as "aggressor".

They are classified into three types of bullying, because bullying affects various parts of children, such as:
  • Psychological: Corresponds to a known "bullying-emotional", which can be a direct or indirect insult. It is also characterized by a bad interaction of dialogue, which causes internal harm. (Involves insult among children).
  • Physical: Corresponds to any physical contact between the aggressor, the witnesses and the victim, without the consent of the latter person. It is also a body action that causes beatings and fights. (Causes physical damage to children).
  • Cyberbullying: Corresponds to bullying produced by technology and is used to attack by social networks. This type of bullying is viralized by the community, because not only the conflict is between the pairs, but it is by social networks, such as; Facebook, Whastapp, Instagram, Correos, among others. In addition, it involves images, videos, messages. (Causes emotional and psychological damage to children).

These types of bullying are involved between two or more people. In this context, the victim and the aggressor are involved. The aggressor intends to harm, believes to have superiority over the victim, who does not cause any kind of provocation. Bullying implies a continuous repetition of ridicule or aggression and can lead to social exclusion of the victim.

  • In the personal aspect of the children, change of behavior and self-esteem, does not transmit their feelings and neither thoughts.
  • In the social aspect of children, he does not interact with his friends or with his relatives.
  • In the academic aspect of the children, there are present the problems that involve the establishment, they do not want to attend classes, low performance, lose or do not arrive with their materials.
In the classroom, promote in education the application of values, self-control, respect, tolerance and dialogue. Create, through dialogue, a certain type of group work, for the interaction of all and that can express what they feel.

         Other type solution:
  • It must involve the family of all those involved (aggressor-victim).
  • Use the  bullying which aims to promote well-being and good school coexistence in the establishment.
  • Report on Law N° 20.536, which corresponds to the "Law on bullying". (This law does not directly affect the students, but involves the establishment so that they are governed by the internal regulations).
  • Propose a treatment with psychological and social help, both for the "victim as well as the aggressor", because for both children it causes a problem in their development and perhaps future sequels to relate.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Bio data

Miss Moira Sandoval Suazo lived and grew up with her family in Rancagua of Chile.

She graduated from the "Commercial Diego Portales" high school, located in Rancagua and obtained the title of "accounting technician" in the year 2016. At his 19 years of age she travel to Santiago to begin his university career. She began to study at the University of Chile, the career of "preschool education" in the year 2017.

With new subjects Moira Sandoval learned theory and practice, directly related to the subject of children, but also learned the importance of research, health, history, biography and methods to better understand the development of children. She is currently at her second year in the University, she is interested in studying the development of children, especially "fine and gross motor skills".

Her favorite subject is "pedagogical knowledge of psychomotor skills", especially in the first cycle (children from 0 to 3 years old). She likes the subject because it joins the psychological and motor skills and these topics help to understand the development of children.

Finally, Moira Sandoval to complement her studies, she wants to study to "magister in research", because she wants to expand her knowledge and be a good professional.

martes, 14 de agosto de 2018

BLOG 10: English Language Challenges

Hello my dear friends!

Today I will talk about my experience writing blogs every week, every Tuesday of this semester in English class!  Also today is the last blog I write in this semester in English.
Before studying at the university, I did not practice, write or read in English, I just liked to listen to or sing songs in English! I think it's difficult and complicated. In English classes is where I practice and learn this language better.

I do not have friends abroad, but I do have friends who can speak, write and read fluently and perfectly. I would like to one day be able to know and master the language of English, as my friend does! Because I would like to travel abroad, but English is essential and my goal is to learn it.

In English class, I wrote weekly, but being honest, I bored a lot the activity of writing blogs on the computer and commenting. I did comment on the blogs of my colleagues, but I did not like it!

In order to improve it, is more important and learn English conversing , to have more security and trust. Also a suggestion for the English course, I would like you to do a type of exam "taking out each class papers with themes", because in each class by practicing speaking with new words and being a good method to learn in a fun and creative.

Finally, English is very important, to travel abroad and meet new people.
I hope you like it! bye my friends.

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

BLOG 9: Changes to my study program

Hello my friends!
Today I will talk about the changes that I would like to apply in the career.
I study the preschool education career, I am in the second year and during this time the subjects if I like, some are related to children and family, others are theory, investigation, children's development and practice.

But what I need to change is to add more subjects with a direct relationship with the children.Some topics such as: health - creativity – communication- mobility. Because they would help in the practice of the race, how to communicate with the children and the family, how to move in the kindergarten and what movements are appropriate for the development of the children, health and creativity, to make learning experiences that are not risky and also contribute to art and new knowledge.

I would also like to change, add subjects from the different careers of the faculty, know the cultures, communicate with the people, investigate the reality of the families and have a greater knowledge. also add electives of faculty, it would be a new and good experience, that there are subjects with different careers.

With regard to teachers, I would like a greater capacity of them, so classes can be organized for the entire career.

Finally the subject of the scholarships, which are more accessible and are assigned to those who really need it! I like that they not only give scholarships to pay for the race, but also photocopy and lunch scholarships that are very helpful.
